From the very start I should say that it’s not an easy thing to speak about yourself as it’s hard to have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do? So to begin with I should say that my name is Tanya, I am seventeen and I look me age. I am pleased with my figure and my looks. My hair is dark and my face is oval. I have brown eyes and a snub nose. I am not a Pamela Anderson type but I am of medium height and slender built. I am not a big eater/ I eat enough to keep my soul and body together though my mother says I need fatting up a bit. 

I was born in an average-sized Russian family of doctors. I grew up in a happy environment and beautiful surroundings. Now I live in Minsk, in a three-roomed flat with my family. We are four: father, mother, my younger brother and me. 

I am blessed with good health and have no health problems at all. I look after my health and do morning exercises every day in order to keep fit. 

I have a number of gifts and abilities. I can cook well and do everything except driving. I can play the guitar and copy my brother’s way of walking, and keep a secret and remember names and places. But I can’t tolerate bad manners. I can’t stand the sight of blood and criticism on my volleyball playing. I can’t resist chocolate. 

My personality is many- faced. I consider myself industrious and fun- loving, good- natured and responsible, easy- going and out of door type. People think that I’m well- bred and respectful, optimistic and independent in thought and behavior. But sometimes I can be very shy and lazy. 

As far as I can judge, I am well – bred person. I will hesitate to put on airs, express surprise or annoyance with somebody, disappointment at seeing or hearing something and so on. But I am also casual in behavior. It doesn’t create bad impression and doesn’t drive my mother to despair and my father to nervous breakdown. 

I know my strength and weaknesses. I am able to stand up for myself. My friends say I have a sense of duty and shame, but no sense of humor unfortunately. I have a good ear for music and strong wit. I always forget to wipe my feet on the mat and turn off the lights. I always make mistakes when I’m in a hurry. I have a weakness for small soft toys. 

We all have customs, habits and ways of doing things which male us different from other people. I’m on the habit of making comparisons, humming songs all the time, shutting the door with slam. 

My likes and dislikes are numerous. I like the countryside and the fresh air. I like to walk in the woods communicating with the nature and taking pictures of it. I’m very fond of walking barefoot on the grass in the rain. I love jokes, toys, music, dancing and reading of course. I’m mad about racing horses. 

I don’t like strong mustard and milk soup and cold weather, and people without ideas and no character, and people who are never on time. I’m against smoking in public places. I can’t understand why people do it. 

I always think about my future, because I fully agree with the John Galsworthy’s statement that “if you don’t think about your future, you cannot have one”. I want to put my plans into practice, to marry a man of my choice, to be healthy and attractive, to travel round the world a to live to 100. 



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