Circumlocution (Многословие)

 Circumlocution (Многословие)



Circumlocution (Многословие) также называемое periphrasis представляет собой "окольный" способ выражения мысли. Чаще предпочтительнее более короткие выражения, но в некоторых случаях вам может понадобиться использовать Circumlocution, например, из вежливости:

I wonder whether you would mind passing me the salad вместо повелительного:

Pass me the salad.


Далее список распространенных Circumlocutions и их возможных замен:


an X of this description - this kind of X

apart from the fact that - except, but

as a consequence of - because of

at this point in time - today, now

a yard in length - a yard long

because of the fact that - because

be in accordance with - agree to

be of the opinion that - think, believe

by means of - by

by virtue of the fact that - because

due to the fact that - because

during such times as - while

during the course of - during

except for the fact that - except, but

few in number - few

for the reason that - because

in accordance with - under

in addition to - besides

in a few cases/instances - occasionally

in majority of the cases/instances - usually

inasmuch as - since

in close proximity - near

in connection with - about

in isolation - alone

in less than no time - quickly

in many cases/instances - often

in most cases/instances - usually

in relation to - about, for, on

in respect of - about, for, on

in some cases/instances - sometimes

in spite of the fact that - although

in the absence of - without

in the event that - if

in the light of the fact that - because

in the near future - soon

in the neighborhood of - near, about

in the vicinity of - near, about

in view of the fact that - because

irrespective of the fact that - although

large in size - large

notwithstanding the fact that - even if

of a delicate/menacing etc character - delicate, menacing etc

on account of the fact that - because

on a temporary basis - temporarily

on the grounds that - because

owing to the fact that - because

pink in color - pink

prior to - before

regardless of the fact that - although

subsequent to - after

to the extent that - if

until such times as - until

with reference to - about, for, on

with regard to - about, for, on

with respect to - about, for, on

with the exception of - except



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