Подготовка к экзамену TOEFL. Урок 8

 В этом уроке мы продолжаем работу со словами и выражениями для написания эссе TOEFL.


Words and phrases that indicate a concession, a contrast or contradiction of a point previously stated:

admittedly – надо признаться; правда; конечно (как вводное слово, имеющее уступительное значение); 
while - хотя; несмотря на то, что;
whereas - тогда как; в то время как;
in contrast/by contrast/by way of contrast/on the contrary - наоборот; напротив; 
however/nonetheless/nevertheless - однако; тем не менее; 
however - как бы...ни (союз, вводящий уступительное придаточное предложение); 
yet/still - тем не менее; однако; всё же; всё-таки; 
although/though - 1)хотя; 2) тем не менее, однако; всё же; всё-таки; 
despite the fact that... - несмотря на тот факт, что...; 
in spite of something/despite something - несмотря на;
notwithstanding - несмотря на; вопреки; Note: Compare notwithstanding, despite, in spite of. Notwithstanding is formal and the weakest of the three terms used to indicate opposition. In spite of is the strongest in this group. 
all the same - всё же; всё-таки; 
be that as it may - как бы то ни было; 
instead (of this) - взамен; вместо этого; 
unlike smb or smth - в отличие от кого-либо или чего-либо; 
on the other hand - с другой стороны;
rather than - ... а не ...; 
contrary to popular belief - вопреки общеизвестному мнению;
to express one’s sharp disagreement with/to strongly disapprove of - выражать полное несогласие/быть категорически против; 
to oppose (an idea/plan/matter, etc) - выступать против/иметь возражения по... ; 
The most common argument against this is that... - Наиболее часто употребляемым аргументом против этого является ...;
to put forward/present arguments against... - выдвигать/представлять аргументы против...;
a weak/strong/convincing/fundamental argument against... - слабый/веский/убедительный/основной аргумент против...;
This argument does not hold water. - Этот аргумент не выдерживает никакой критики.
The argument is not logically sound./This is not a sound argument/There are holes in the argument/The argument is full of holes. (Выражения для описания нелогичного, непоследовательного аргумента, плана, идеи.
Eg: Admittedly, history has helped us learn the appropriateness of
addressing certain issues, particularly moral ones, on a societal level.
However, the overriding lesson from history about social ills is that
they are here to stay.

Eg: While/Whereas some people condemn television as a 
negative influence on the overall mental development of 
children and their behavior, others praise it for its 
contribution to children’s education and upbringing.
(TOEFL writing questions 63, # 150. TOEFL Information 
Bulletin, 2001/2002

Eg: It is sometimes argued that many of the world’s problems 
would disappear if people everywhere spoke the same 
language. By (way of) conrast/In contrast/On the contrary
many people regard the idea of an international language 
as foolish and impractical. 

Eg: Arguments presented by proponents/supporters of 
The argument is sometimes put forward that man is not 
naturally a vegetarian. While such a claim may contain a 
grain of truth, it however/nevertheless/nonetheless 
ignores the obvious fact that there are many aspects of 
the original human condition that we have seen fit* to 
*to see/think fit to do smth - считать нужным/ 
целесообразным делать что-либо
Arguments presented by opponents of vegetarianism:
Those who support vegetarianism insist/point out that 
such a course is both spiritually and physically 
beneficial. However/Nonetheless/Nevertheless/Be that as 
it may, there is no evidence that vegetarians are 
exceptionally healthy or less agressive only because they 
do not eat meat.

Eg: He is not the man for the job, however enthusiastically 
he may be recommended.

Eg: Arguments for (in favor of) and against small-town/
countryside life: 
It is true that city-dwellers have access to certain 
facilities such as theatres, museums or funfairs that may 
be denied to the inhabitants of small towns or 
countryside. Yet/Still there are a number of 
disadvantages of living in a big city. The main point 
here is that people are exposed to a lot of stress 
because of the hustle and bustle of big-city life.
(TOEFL writing question 9. TOEFL Information Bulletin, 

Eg: I believe that we should not spend so much of our limited 
national budget on space exploration. Instead, we should 
spend more on improving essential social programs.
(TOEFL writing question 95. TOEFL Information Bulletin, 

Eg: Arguments presented by opponents of the view that live 
theater is dying:
Of course the theater has suffered from competition that 
takes advantage of modern technology. All the same, there 
is a qualitative difference in being present at an actual 
performance which, though it may be a luxury, will 

Eg: Unlike his predecessor, the new program coordinator has 
an ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and 

Eg: Contrary to popular belief, I hold the opinion that 
television helps stimulate rather than destroy 
communication among family and friends. Television 
viewing is often an activity that people do together,
discussing the various programs they watch. 
(TOEFL writing question 8. TOEFL Information Bulletin, 

Eg: Arguments against cars as means of transportation:
Their tremendous advantage for transportation 
notwithstanding, cars simply cause too much pollution. 
Secondly, the production and operation of cars waste a 
huge portion of the earth’s natural resources. Thus, it 
is critical that we spend money on improving public 
transportation - or even offering free public 
transportation! - so that people will prefer riding 
subways, buses, commuter trains, etc., to traveling in 
their cars. 

Вы заметили что многие из этих слов и выражений имеют одинаковые значения. Просмотрите нижеследующие варианты.

1) Although/Though/ Even though he has undoubted talents, he is not the man for the job.
2) Despite/In spite of/Notwithstanding (the last one is formal) his undoubted talents, he is not the man for 
the job.
3) He is not the man for the job, his undoubted talents notwithstanding.
4) He has undoubted talents; nevertheless/nonetheless/however/yet he is not the man for the job.

Мы продолжим работу со словами и выражениями для написания эссе на нашем следующем занятии.

Лариса Коптелова и Лонни Харрисон,
преподаватели Лингвистической школы общения
«Система-3» Автор: Лариса Коптелова, Lonny Harrison, преподаватели Лингвистической школы общения «Система-3»



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